I failed, miserably.

Hello all,

It has been a reaaaally really long time since I have posted something on here. As you can see, me posting 365 photos for a whole year, has failed miserably.

The thing is this. Taking a photo every single day is VERY challenging. You have to find a different subject every day for it to be interesting and not repetitive. You have to transfer the files from your SD card to the computer and maybe make a bit of an edit and then you have to upload it and all that jazz (now I’m being an ugh person).

I know I’m making silly excuses but here’s the thing, when I started the challenge I was doing the last year at college, was on way to finish my degree (and successfully finished thank you very much). And the last thing that I wanted was to take a picture and upload it online. I know I sound like a very annoying person right now but that’s the truth. I was finding it a chore to upload something every day and as days went by, I couldn’t care less about it 😦 I started taking photos from my phone… See how lazy I got??? Haha… Ha…

So I have decided that I’m going to attempt to start blogging again. But this time it’s not going to be a photo every day, no. This time I’m going to be more realistic. I may post a photo, I may write about something. Who knows?

All I know is that I need a place to vent. Finishing college and going into the real world can be a punch in the face. Routine hits me hard sometimes.

See you every now and then I guess.

Good day, afternoon or night!